Goddard SmallSat Technology and Capabilities
NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center brings years of expertise in small satellite technology development and mission planning to the SmallSat community.
Want to partner with NASA? There are several ways to work with us:
- Technology License: Through NASA's Technology Transfer (T2) Program, members of the public can license patented technologies for their own use, saving valuable time and resources. Hundreds of programs are available for free from the T2 Program's Software Catalog as well. Instead of starting from scratch, companies and universities can incorporate Goddard technologies into their mission design, freeing up resources for other parts of the mission.
- Launch Facilities: Use our launch facilities at the Wallops Flight Facility through formed agreements.
- Integration and Test Facilities: Use our labs and environmental test facilities through partnerships, collaborations and formed agreements.
- Mission Proposals: Partner with us on your next mission with access to world-class scientist, managers and engineers.
- Technology Developments: If you have a technology need in common with us, we can develop the technology together sharing expertise and resources through no-funding exchange agreements.
- Integration with the Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program for furthering technological developments.
Below, you will find some of the technologies and capabilities available for licensing or partnership. For a more complete list of Goddard SmallSat technologies, please click here. To learn more, or if you have questions about specific technology needs, please contact Goddard's Strategic Partnerships Office at techtransfer@gsfc.nasa.gov.
Featured Software Technologies

The core Flight System (cFS)
The core Flight System (cFS) is GSFC's platform and project-independent reusable software framework and set of reusable software applications. The cFS has comprehensive flight heritage including flagship and CubeSat missions. It utilizes a layered architecture which promotes reusability without sacrificing efficiency, allowing missions to focus on mission specific code, thereby minimizing flight software development costs. The cFS is available as open-source software and has an active user community.
Official cFS page: https://cfs.gsfc.nasa.gov
Framework and user components: https://github.com/nasa/cFS
cFS 101 Training: https://software.nasa.gov/software/MSC-26323-1
cFS Cryptography Library
Developed with the goal to provide a software-only solution for new and existing NASA missions to secure communications across the space link. Following the CCSDS SDLS-EP standard, CryptoLib can be integrated into both the spacecraft and ground sides to provide a possible solution for missions to comply with NASA-STD-1006A. CryptoLib is being developed on directly on GitHub as open-source software for users to track and integrate new improvements and request features.
The NASA Operational Simulator for Small Satellites (NOS3)
NOS3 is a suite of open-source tools to simulate a mission using flight and ground software. This environment merges a dynamics simulator, flight software, ground software, NOS engine and hardware models to shorten development timelines. Flight and ground software can be developed and tested without the need of spacecraft or ground system hardware, enabling early development of software.
OpenSatKit (OSK) is a multi-facet platform for working with NASA's open-source core Flight System (cFS). OSK supports developing cFS-based mission flight software (FSW), learning how to engineer cFS apps, controlling a remote cFS system on a Raspberry Pi, and developing prototype R&D cFS apps. OSK combines three powerful open-source platforms to achieve these goals: a command-and-control platform for embedded systems, NASA's cFS, and a dynamic simulator.
Featured Hardware Technologies
Advanced Software-Defined Radio
The software-defined radio is a miniaturized, high-reliability and multi-application development. The radio is processor agnostic for size, mass, power and cost reduction purposes. It is designed with internal power management for optimal noise performance. It includes dual phase-synchronized transceivers, reconfigurable from 70 MHz to 6 GHz. Channel bandwidth is up to 56 MHz with a 4 x 4 MIMO configuration for digital beamforming.
Cubesat Form Factor Thermal Control Louvers
The thermal control louvers use passive thermal control to significantly improve the internal thermal stability of small spacecraft, creating a difference of several watts in dissipated heat between open and closed louvers. The modular design can be produced in large quantities and swapped into various sized plates to tailor the thermal control to each spacecraft's needs.

Deployable Boom for Cubesats
The deployable boom for CubeSats is a rigid boom over 50 centimeters in length when deployed that houses a three-axis magnetometer. It is stowed on one side of the CubeSat with a double hinge system.
Ion Control System
The electric propulsion system is suitable for small satellite attitude control, precision orbit control, constellation formation management, and extended low-thrust maneuvers.

MARES Command and Data Handling
The MARES command and data handling (C&DH) cards utilize an RTG4 with an embedded LEON-3FT processor which combines to make the board highly reliable in a radiation environment and flexible enough to be programmed for custom applications. The LEON3 runs cFS on an RTEMS operating system, enabling a standardize FSW development flow. In addition, it features a footprint to populate a COTS GPS, a magnetometer and a COTS dosimeter as well as interfaces for coarse sun sensors, an IMU, torquers, and fine sun sensors.
Miniature Release Mechanism or Diminutive Assembly for Nanosatellite Deployables (DANY)
NASA's DANY technology uses spring-loaded metal pins, a reliable burnthrough mechanism, efficient bracketing, and a circuit board to reliably stow and release deployables on command. Using DANY, stowed deployables are securely fastened using the spring-loaded locking pins.

Modular Architecture for Resilient Extensible SmallSats (MARES)
The Modular Architecture for a Resilient Extensible SmallSat (MARES) is a capabilities-driven design and architecture with an emphasis on reliability, scalability, and high-performance processing. The architecture defines components, functions, and requirements to meet most of the GSFC science SmallSat needs. As a modular architecture, the users can select all or part of the full architecture to meet their mission needs. Applicability includes but it is not limited to SmallSat buses, CubeSat buses, and high-performance instrument processors.

NavCube 3.0 Mini GPS
NavCube technology is based on the GSFC GPS Navigator development used on the Magnetospheric Multiscale (MMS) Mission, currently holding the record for the highest altitude fix of a GPS signal. The shrunk-down technology utilizes the SpaceCube 3.0 Mini digital processing capabilities to minimize the hardware size and mass. Additional hardware includes low-noise amplifier, antenna and oscillator or atomic clock. The use of this additional hardware will depend on the GPS solution accuracy and orbit for a specific mission.
Quad-Core Processor Card
The quad-core processor card is a miniaturized electronics card that provides a radiation-hardened quad-core processor. It is a 1U cross-section CubeSat-sized processor card that features the Cobham Gaisler Quad-Core LEON4 SPARC V8 GR740 device.
Self-Regulating Current Circuit
This technology utilizes a switching regulator to provide high-efficiency power conversion and constant current. The Self-Regulating Current Circuit simplifies the implementation of deployment mechanisms associated with nichrome-based devices.

Solid-State Data Recorder
The Solid-State Data Recorder is a high-speed and high-capacity data storage solution. With over 10 Terabits, the card can be used in applications such as high-speed communications, high-speed science data capture and on-board processing of large datasets for autonomous navigation, autonomous operations, artificial intelligence tasks and machine learning.
SpaceCube v3.0 Mini
SpaceCube v3.0 Mini is a multi-purpose, high-performance processor card for CubeSats and SmallSats. It features the radiation-tolerant Kintex UltraScale FPGA with a MicroBlaze soft processor core running GSFC's core Flight System. The "Mini" card is a key enabler for reducing SWaP-C in the MARES architecture. Individual licenses are available for elements of the SpaceCube: the Radhard Monitor, Mini Evaluation Board, FMC+ Mezzanine Test Card, Mini ASTM Board, Automated Test Suite, and FMC+ ASTM Card.

Ultra Compact Star Scanner
This innovative approach fuses the rapid advancements in miniaturized high-speed electronics with the ultra-compact freeform optical design from NASA efforts to create the next generation of stellar scanner instruments.
Featured Capabilities
Environmental Testing at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center
Learn how the Goddard Environmental Test, Engineering, and Integration Branch provides environmental test support for SmallSat missions.
NASA Goddard Mission Planning Lab
Learn how the Mission Planning Lab (MPL) has worked with NASA SmallSat developers and their partners to provide services in systems engineering, 3D modeling, simulation, flight trajectory formulation, and more.
Wallops Flight Facility Integration and Testing
Learn about the Integration and Testing capabilities at Wallops Flight Facility.